蓝调中国(中国民歌遇见布鲁斯 美国团队录中国曲)

蓝调 中国 When the blues meet Chinese folk music
为本张专辑担纲演奏的美国布鲁斯乐团,其成员来自于近十个国家及地区,尽显洛杉矶大都会多元化的文化氛围。乐团成员中包括多位格莱美获奖艺术家,其中最负盛名的,当属爵士钢琴演奏家Russell Ferrante,以他为核心人物的乐队Yellowjackets,曾荣获17次格莱美奖提名和两座奖杯,并在包括中国在内的世界各地开展巡演。两位年轻的作曲家,Ross Garren与Nick DePinna,则完美地完成了本作的编曲工作。Ross在作曲领域中已获得多个新人奖项,在录音过程中他还奉献了自己精彩绝伦的口琴演奏技巧。Nick的家乡是澳门,经常为各种有线电视网节目创作配乐,专辑中那支活泼而奔放的长号,正是由他演奏的。而专辑中日落西山刚过岗的萨克斯演奏则来自他的太太Hitomi Oba,一位任教于加州大学洛杉矶分校的日本姑娘。而另一位萨克斯演奏家同样来自曾获得格莱美奖项的洛杉矶分校教授Justo Almario先生。
作为瑞鸣音乐创始以来的首张布鲁斯音乐专辑以及历史上中国民歌第一次以布鲁斯音乐风格呈现,录音选择了洛杉矶久副盛名的擅长录制布鲁斯音乐的录音室,录音过程中所使用到的众多古董乐器,如历经百年而音色依然悦耳如初的钢琴,丰富的吉他效果器以及布鲁斯管风琴等奇特乐器,都令人眼界大开。而为还原五六十年代的经典音色,现场录音采用许多模拟设备,更特别启用众多电子管话筒,凸显温暖听感。曾获得十五项格莱美大奖的美国混音大师Richard King,在混音时着重保存现场即兴感觉,令整张专辑呈现出洛杉矶街头文化所特有的那种如玩耍般的现场轻松氛围。

The deep red sunset expends the last of its reserves to heat a cracked and peeling brick wall. The wind whistling through a back alley tosses a discarded newspaper around, the girl in its faded color advertisement locked in a coquettish kiss. A young graffiti artist tucks his spray can in a loose pocket, and takes off on his skateboard, whistling to himself as he is absorbed into the crowd. Figures hunched over with exhaustion make lumber way to tiny apartments and hotels. In a crowded and cacophonous bar, a man lights up a cheap cigar, and among the billowing smoke forgets the trials of the day. Some clink together glasses of strong whiskey, while others sway to improvised music, each finding what enjoyment they can in their arduous lives.
Nostalgia held deep within the heart points to a distant yet never forgotten hometown. The inescapable tribulations of life, imbued with the rhythms of African music, gave rise to what we now know as the blues. Blue, not the bright azure of a summer sky, but the cool, pale blue of a weary soul. Trash cans, broken bottles and other everyday articles were used just like any instrument, so that artists could express their hopeless loves, toilsome daily work, and plain old hard luck. These songs, with their straightforward lyrics and freestyled rhythms, convey the persevering spontaneity and optimism of the lower working class.
Rhymoi Music producer Ye Yunchuan has for many years committed himself to the fusion of Western and Chinese music culture, and is constantly searching for new ways in which to achieve this. During this excursion to Los Angeles, one of the major artistic centers of the US, Mr. Ye assembled a team of outstanding blues musicians, and used the popular medium of the blues to portray traditional Chinese folk music. Although these two types of music originate from different histories and ethnic backgrounds, on opposite sides of the world, what they have in common is that they both seek to express the woes of the average working class citizen, and both view these in an ultimately optimistic light. This is just as true for the blues as it is for the folk music of the Jiangnan region, the vast highland plains, and the Xintianyou songs of the northwest. Whether alone on a lofty mountaintop, or among the clamor of an urban crowd, sometimes a song is the only means to fully express one’s longing and desire, the only way to find a sense of belonging.
For this album a team of blues musicians was assembled, its members hailing from 10 different countries and territories, representing the vast inclusiveness of Los Angeles’ music culture. The ensemble includes several Grammy Award recipients, among whom the most well known is likely jazz pianist Russell Ferrante, who, along with his band The Yellowjackets, have toured throughout the world, and have received a total of 17 Grammy nominations and two prizes. Two young composers, Ross Garren and Nick DePinna, provided the album’s arrangement, of which Ross Garren has received numerous newcomer awards for composition, and on this compilation also provided harmonica performances, while Nick DePinna, originally from Macau, is an active composer for television and other media, and is the performer of the trombone you hear on the album. Mr. DePinna’s wife, Hitomi Oba, is a Japanese saxophone artist and teacher at UCLA, who also contributed. Other saxophone performances by Mr. Justo Almario, Grammy winner and UCLA professor, can also be heard.
As the first blues album since the founding of Rhymoi Music, and the first album ever to fuse the blues and Chinese folk music, Mr. Ye Yunchuan chose the well-known Studio which good at recording Blues music. The album implements a stunning array of instruments, like an antique piano, numerous guitar effect pedals, and a blues organ. In order to recreate the classic sound of the 50s, a wide range of analog devices, as well as condenser tube microphones, were used for the live recordings, resulting in a warm, sensuous vibe. These musicians, paired with an American recording artist who has won a total of 15 Grammy awards, have created an album which retains the improvisation of the recording sessions, for a playful atmosphere reminiscent of the streets of Los Angeles.
Little Yellow Horse, Jialinsai, The Scent of Flowers on the Evening Breeze, and Do You Know?... These songs are simplistic songs expressing the purest of sentiments. With a warm and fervent heart, these songs draw from the love and pain in the deepest corners of the heart. These timeless classic melodies are reborn, now full of the vitality of modern American music. The rhythm of the blues, like a cup of powerful whiskey, make one want to forget the world, even if just for a brief moment, and get lost in one’s memories.
Ross Garren 作曲家,钢琴及口琴演奏家,南加州大学作曲专业的优秀毕业生,目前居住在美国加州洛杉矶市。作为一名非常活跃的自由音乐人,他曾与Ben Golds、Kesha、Marco Beltrami,Austin Wintory等名家共同录制唱片,并多次获得由美国作曲家协会颁发的年轻爵士作曲家奖。在日常的演出及创作活动之外,他也是圣丹斯研究所音乐与声音设计部门的特别会员,并任教于美国洛杉矶音乐学院。
Nick DePinna 作曲家,音乐制作人,毕业于加州大学洛杉矶分校,曾在James W. Newton、Paul Chihara、David Lefkowitz等著名音乐人的指导下进行学习。他在音乐创作方面涉猎甚广,经常为各种有线电视网节目和独立电影创作配乐,同时也从事商业音乐的制作。人们在美国广播公司、HBO电视网、国家地理野生频道、福克斯体育频道等等的节目中经常能够听到由他所创作的配乐作品。

Brady Cohan: Brady Cohan: Do You Know?, Xingguo Mountain Song, Xixiang Bazi – Nesting Sparrows, The Pure White Crane, Liuyang River, Little Yellow Horse 演奏《知道不知道》《兴国山歌》《西厢坝子-窝雀》《洁白的仙鹤》《浏阳河》《小黄马》;
John Schroeder: Just Past Sunset, Sheep Belly Headband with Three Blue Stripes, The Scent of Flowers on the Evening Breeze, Jialinsai, Joy of the Rising Sun, Rainbow Girl 演奏《日出西山岗过岗》《羊肚子手巾三道道蓝》《晚风花香》《加林赛》《太阳出来喜洋洋》《虹彩妹妹》
Hitomi Oba: Just Past Sunset 演奏《日出西山岗过岗》
Justo Almario: all other songs演奏其他曲目
Piano – Russell Ferrante: Do You Know?, Xingguo Mountain Song, Xixiang Bazi a sparrow’s nest, The Pure White Crane, Liuyang River, Rainbow Girl 演奏《知道不知道》《兴国山歌》《西厢坝子一窝雀》《洁白的仙鹤》《浏阳河》《虹彩妹妹》
Pipe organ – Ty Bailie: Jialinsai, Joy of the Rising Sun, Rainbow Girl 演奏《加林赛》《太阳出来喜洋洋》《虹彩妹妹》Harmonica, pipe organ, other piano performances – Ross Garren
小号/Trumpet: Andrew Carney
长号/Trombone: Nick DePinna
贝司/Bass: Erik Kertes
鼓/Drums: Gavin Salmon
音乐助理/Music Coordinator: Li Jian Ma Kai
录音工程师/ Recording Artist: Chris Rondinella
录音助理/ Recording Assistant: Jerry Zhu
混音/ Mixing Engineer: Richard King
混音助理/Mixing Engineer Assistant:Yu Fei
录音工作室/ Recording Studio: Heritage Recording Co.

出品人:丁磊 叶云川
市场统筹:刘军 张威
105D 蓝光播放机
Sonica Wi-Fi音箱
PM-2 平面振膜耳机
