Premier Recital 法国儿童钢琴曲集 《乐中有乐》之二

Ernest So Piano Library (ESPL) presents the second release of《Première 樂中有樂》, introducing a series of French miniature piano works first issued by the fame publisher Salabert in the 1920s and '30s, full of rich educational intent and musical purpose. Though re-issued by Salabertin in recent years, these wonderful repertoires still have not gain the popularity they once had. This album, featuring students from China, will attempt to restore these music to their full glory, and to bring to attention the heritage of late-romantic and neo-classical works in French piano pedagogy.
Also of note is the world premiere recording of two Poèmes by Gagneur, a woman composer of repute though now largely forgotten. They were published in 1929 by Éditions Maurice Sénart, a copy of which now belongs to the Ernest So Piano Library. Recorded amidst on-going Covid situation in China.

苏显亮钢琴图书馆(ESPL)呈献《Première 樂中有樂》第二张专辑,收集 1920、30 年代法国著名出版社 Salabert 编辑的一系列丰富的浪漫小品,既富有教学价值,亦充满后浪漫、新古典风格的色彩。全部作品为中国学生和老师在 2020 年疫情年奋力录制。另外,这专辑也呈献世界首录两首《诗歌》,由法国女作曲家 Gagneur 写作,1929 年出版;唯一一版的谱子现馆藏在苏显亮钢琴图书馆。