Angels by Our Side

Taliya Schneider 2020-04-18发行
"Let me quench your soul & spirit with beautifully soothing and uplifting music!

It is my true heartfelt desire, as a Spiritual-Folk Acoustic Singer-Songwriter & Storyteller, to create Light-Energy, soothing, serene, reflective, inspirational, uplifting, beautiful & calm acoustic music to lift your spirit, warm your soul and envelope you with a true celestial ambiance, which lingers beyond place and time...:) Imagine the sounds of celestial, ethereal vocals along with reflective, healing and yet empowering lyrics, enveloping your soul and quenching your spirit with spiritual soothing and uplifting melodies.....:)

Thank you dear friends for joining us on this beautiful journey of creating high-vibrational music and contributing to a more Positive, Loving, Harmonious, Uplifted, Blissful, Enlightened & Beautiful World! :) "

"Angels By Our Side" is Taliya Schneider's most recent acoustic album. As a Spiritual-Folk Singer-Songwriter, Healer, Life Coach, Storyteller and Lover of Angels, Taliya Schneider is dedicated to creating Light-Energy, High-Vibrational, soothing, serene, calm & reflective original music, which lifts your spirit, warms your soul and envelopes you with a true celestial ambiance, which lingers beyond place and time...Imagine the sounds of celestial, ethereal vocals along with reflective, healing and yet empowering lyrics, enveloping your soul and quenching your spirit with beautifully soothing melodies.

As a Spiritual Folk Singer-Songwriter & Storyteller, Taliya has been featured worldwide on T.V. (CBS13), Radio (Satellite Radio, BBC Radio) & the printed media ('Hollywood Reporter', 'Telegraph').

Taliya lives happily with her husband Ryan, a talented writer and full-time novelist, in Palm Springs, California.

Enjoy & Share The Light and Love in the world! :)